
Installing XCP-ng

Installing XCP-ng is a relatively straight-forward process. Just download the ISO from the Official Website, mount it onto a USB, then load and install it onto your host server. The steps on XCP-ng are very easy to follow.

The main issue of XCP-ng arises with actually setting up Virtual Machines. That's what we'll focus all of our attention on.

Access from SSH

After installing XCP-ng, you'll be given the IP of the server which you'll use to remote into it with the Port number 22 (default). We do want to change this default port as a very basic security measure. It doesn't make it more secure by definition but it does reduce the amount of pajeet-ware detections where they spam IP addresses with Port 22 until they get a hit.

Just add Port 2222, or something similar (assuming that's the custom port number you want to use), or uncomment the current Port line and put your custom port.

This seems specific to XCP-ng but we also need to add our port in the iptables as well before we restart SSH.

And we just need to save the changes we just made to iptables:

Finally we can restart SSH as usual:


ISO Storage Setup

Unlike XenOrchestra, we can't just upload our ISO to it and use that uploaded ISO to mount to our VM. We have to create storage areas that store our ISO files from which we'll pull them from. What we'll do here is create a folder in which to store our ISO files and then link it to XCP-ng.

Once that's created, we can put our ISO files into this folder and mount ISOs to new VMs. I did have an issue before when using that script above and that was because I accidentally forgot the 'o' at the end of "iso" in that command. If you want to be sure you have everything setup correctly, you can use the command below to look at your storage scopes:

You should see the type and content-type as ISO for our Local ISO scope.

In order to actually transfer files to this machine, we can use an easy-to-use graphical tool such as WinSCP to transfer the ISO files into that "/var/opt/iso" folder.

When you start WinSCP you use the same IP, user root, and password that you used for SSH when working in WinSCP.


HDD Storage Setup

If you have any internal HDDs you want to mount and use, you'll have to add those here, too. First we'll list our disks to see what "sdX" we're going to use. For instance, is it "sda" or "sdb" or "sdd" or maybe it's something else entirely.

Now just put that "sd?" into the code below. Keep in mind the name Local HDD which you can rename to anything you want. That will be important later.

Remember that sdX refers to the actual drive itself and NOT a partition. If your drive has any partitions, make sure to use a tool like fdisk to delete them all.



User Setup

This is the user we'll create for working within XCP-ng Center and for future SSH connections. I left this for last to not have to deal with any SUDO stuff. Plus, it would've been confusing if I said to create the user and then I had the user log in as root on WinSCP anyway.

The command above just switched us to user after it was created and added to the SUDO group. The bottom command checks to make sure we properly switched to our user. Since we're using the username nguser, the output for the command below should be exactly that.

Lastly, we want to make sure our user has root privileges. The output for the command below should be root.


XCP-ng Center Installation

XCP-ng Center Download

Once it's installed, log into the server using the IP Address and the user credentials we just created previously. From here, you should see the XCP-ng server along with the storage scopes we created.


XCP-ng VM Setup

The video above is me setting up a Windows Server Virtual Machine with the instructions provided here. I received an error at the end about HVM because I was running XCP-ng within a Virtual Machine.

Keep in mind our Local HDD and Local ISO directories we created since this is important when creating a new VM.